Prayer Requests for Eli’s upcoming surgery

ear exam small

We leave tomorrow for Hong Kong.  Thanks so much for all your emails and encouragement as we are getting ready to fly to Hong Kong.  Eli and Julie will leave tomorrow morning (our time, Friday December 19) and have surgery on December 20.

For those of you who have not gotten our paper newsletter or our email newsletter, here are the prayer requests (and if you want to be on our paper or email newsletter please let me know! I can also forwarded the most recent letter detailing why we have to get this surgery for him.)

  • I am starting to feel sick (Julie), so please be praying I don’t get sick or get Eli sick before his surgery on Saturday and that I have the strength I need to be ALL there for him.
  • Eli to have a SAFE surgery, that the doctor will be able to get rid of the polyp with no ear damage or hearing damage.
  • Eli is afraid of the needles and anesthesia, please pray for his heart to be calm and trusting.
  • Wisdom and strength for Julie as she is helping Eli through this and being his “rock.”  That she will find the strength she needs in our Lord and through your prayers.
  • all the many details that are involved with insurance companies and hospitals.
  • All the details in navigating a foreign land and foreign hospital as she can have directional issues 🙂
  • Zach and Jasper as the are staying behind in BJ.  That they would have good bonding time while we are gone.
  •  That this surgery would be a permanent solution to Eli’s ear issues and he would not keep needing surgery.
